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Great Reads for Good Food

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Diet Tips While You Staying at Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Like nearly every other American, you are stuck at home right now while we wait for the COVID-19 outbreak to be brought under control. Your activity may be limited because it is simply too dangerous to leave yo...

Worried About Tear Gas? Here is What to Do If You Plan to Protest

The use of tear gas has been all over the news for the last week. As more protestors take to the streets to express their desire to see racial equality, police have resorted to using tear gas to disperse crow...

Are You Ready for the Next COVID-19 Wave with Medicine Cabinet Essentials?

With the world starting to open back up, now is a good time to take an inventory of your medicine cabinet and gather any essential supplies that you may have depleted over the last few months. Many h...

Dealing with a Broken Heart? How to Handle the Grief and Smile Again

Dealing with a broken heart is never an easy experience. However, what many broken-hearted individuals are now finding out is that it is even more challenging to handle this grief during the middle of a gl...

"Wellness Walk" Initiative Aimed at Improving Fitness During Pandemic

In an age of obvious political polarization, it's very rare that a group of people agree on anything. Even health experts involved with the Covid-19 pandemic have different ideas about the effective...

CDC Drastically Changes Guidance on COVID-19 Testing, Leaving Many Confused

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has come under fire over the last few days after quietly changing the recommendations regarding when individuals should seek a test for COVID-19....

How Social Media May Be Upsetting Your Mental and Emotional Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed nearly every aspect of life. The way that people interact with social media and the influence that it exerts on everyday life is no different. Complicating the changes and e...

How to Cope With Pandemic, Election and Holiday Stress

Dr. Astrid Pujari, who is the Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Virginia Mason, explains that people are reporting high levels of stress related to the presidential debate that took place this past Tuesd...

Los Altos Town Crier Announces 2021 Wellness Trends

On December 16, the Los Altos Town Crier announced the wellness trends that people need to know about for 2021. Looking back at the past 50 weeks of 2020, few people could have imagined that the year would involve a pandemi...