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Great Reads for Good Food

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Planning to Participate in 'Dry January'? Follow These Tips for Success

Every year, more and more people decide to take the Dry January challenge. This movement involves cutting out alcohol for the entire month. Many individuals decide to take on this challenge as a way to ...

How the Biden Administration Plan to Speed Up the Vaccination Efforts

On Wednesday, Joseph R. Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. Regardless of what side of the political aisle that you fall on, there is no doubt that a new president comes with a ...

Understanding the Many Benefits of Finally Starting an Exercise Routine

The new year is here which means many people are hitting the gym to try to get in shape. While the overriding motivation for most is to lose weight or to fend off serious illness and disease, there are ...

Why Is Personal Development For Your Overall Wellness? Find Out

Personal development is the process of improving oneself, either mentally or physically. It's a form of self-improvement that focuses on enhancing one's personality and personal growth. Besides, it revolves arou...

COVID-19 Crisis Has Severe Global Impact on Mental Health

In Volume 20, Issue 11 of the Lancet, which is a journal of infectious disease research, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a study on how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting the mental health of people around...

How to Cope With Pandemic, Election and Holiday Stress

Dr. Astrid Pujari, who is the Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Virginia Mason, explains that people are reporting high levels of stress related to the presidential debate that took place this past Tuesd...

Are These Five Tips the Answer to Making Wellness More Culturally Inclusive?

For many years, the wellness community has had a big inclusivity problem. Of course most wellness enthusiasts are not actively racist, but there can be a lot of small misunderstandings that keep man...

Deadly Coronavirus Now Present in Every State Throughout the Country

It would appear as if the entire nation is now under the grip of the rapidly spreading coronavirus. Every state in the country now has confirmed cases with large metropolitan centers bearing the brunt of t...