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Great Reads for Good Food

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From Mouth Taping to Metamucil Gummies, Check Out the 2023 Wellness Trends

Health and wellness have never been more on fire, especially in this post-pandemic world where folks want to maintain a strong, healthy body and mind. There are some fascinating and even weird heal...

Wellness in the COVID-19 Era: Stay at Home Or Go to the Gym?

If you look into the window of a local gym, you'll likely see that it has far fewer people than normal. Many people, especially in areas hit harder by Coronavirus, are more reluctant to do anything in public unless...

How to Proceed With the Summer of COVID-19 According to the CDC

The Centers for Disease for Control and Prevention (CDC) have released a guidebook on how to enjoy a safe and healthy summer amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic. On Friday, the CDC released these guidelines to ...

Focusing on Mental Health When Returning to the Office

Mental health is one of the major wellness issues affecting Americans. One of the main drivers of mental health is our jobs. What happens at work affects our well-being in numerous ways. The pandemic has changed many pre...

Heading Out into the Sun? Beware of These Sun Sensitivity Boosters

'Tis the season to go outside and soak up the sun. During the dog days of summer, it is not surprising when more people take advantage of the long days and warm temperatures. While this is usually great fun,...

Working From Home: How to Stay Healthy and Happy

There are many people who are now working from home, whether due to COVID-19 or by personal choice. While working from home offers some benefits, like less exposure to germs and saving on commuting costs, it can also come with...

COVID-19 Vaccine Now Approved for the Youngest Americans - What to Know

Americans ages 6 months and up are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, opening up eligibility for an additional 17 million people. Over the weekend, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Pr...

Keep an Eye Out on These 5 Health and Wellness Trends of 2020

Two months into the year 2020 and there are some definitive health trends that are emerging. It can be challenging to wade through the latest trends to discern what is merely a fad and what is something that you ...

Mysterious Coronavirus Syndrome in Children Has Doctors Concerned

One of the most troubling developments of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the increasing amounts of reports detailing how this virus is seriously affecting children. Up until a few weeks ago, health experts ...