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Great Reads for Good Food

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Despite the Temptations, You Can Create a Healthier COVID-19 Holiday Season

Everyone knows about the trappings of the indulgent holiday season. Between holiday parties, gatherings with friends and family, and delicious treats tempting you around every corner, it is easy to ...

About to Get Your Second COVID-19 Shot? How to Manage the Side Effects

Every day, thousandsร‚ย of Americans are receiving their second shot of the coveted COVID-19 vaccine. For most people, the second shot is what triggers the more severe side effects. While some people rep...

7 Ways Sudden Weather Changes Can Affect Your Health

Climate change experts have stated that hotter temperatures aren't the only thing that will result from increased carbon in the atmosphere. Another serious effect is wild weather. During the week of February 15, a severe s...

Are Mandatory Wellness Checks the Future?

There are essentially two schools of thought when it comes to the novel coronavirus pandemic Covid-19. The first is that it's just a strain of the flu, a virus that is a problem yet has a 99.8% survival rate, and so there's no need ...

Experts Warn That Food Stamps Hurt Food Prices

Since the COVID pandemic hit America in 2020, tens of millions of additional people have had to get on food stamps, now known as the SNAP benefit. It's really hard to square this circle with the government's talking...

Easy Tips to Look and Feel Younger

Aging is unavoidable, but it brings different changes to the body. Many people are eager to keep their youthful glow for as long as possible. You can slow down how quickly your body ages and help maintain that youthful look a...

Understanding Snap Benefits

SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly referred to as Food Stamps, is a major federal program with the goal of reducing hunger in the United States. As of January, 2016, 45.4 million Americans received SNAP benefits, or ab...

6 Ways You Can Save a Buck On Food

In this day and age, we've all found ourselves wishing we could save a little cash from time to time on food. There are times when a trip to the grocery store can seem like we need to take out a loan first. There are a couple of ways you...

The Wellness Industry's Latest Trend: Using AI to Alleviate Health Issues

The Wellness Industry's Latest Trend: Using AI to Alleviate Health Issues While the intersection of tech and Wellness has been predicted for quite some time, practical implementations of it have finally...