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Great Reads for Good Food

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North Dakota Seeing an Alarming COVID-19 Mortality Rate. This is Why

While it is true that the entire nation is experiencing a massive surge in COVID-19 cases, the state of North Dakota is being hit particularly hard. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevent...

What is Food Insecurity and Why is it Such a Problem Now for So Many?

While many health experts and government officials are rightfully focused on controlling the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is another huge problem that millions of Americans are facing as a resul...

Is Intermittent Fasting the Diet Plan for You? What You Need to Know

A recent study out of the UK is shedding more light on the effectiveness of intermittent fasting. If you have been trying to shed some pounds with little success, you may want to consider this new trend in...

10 Ways to Have Fun and Boost Your mental Wellness

Mental health among all Americans has taken a turn for the worse in the past year. A contentious presidential election, the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and more have all conspired to decrease overall mental wellness...

Home Office Got You Feeling Sore? Here Are Tips to Improve the Ergonomics

If you are like many workers, you are spending more time working out of a home office due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. After over a year at this telecommuting gig, you may also be noticing that y...

Exploring the Lessons Learned as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Looking back over the last year, it is clear that the world has learned some important lessons as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This global health crisis has put the spotlight on health and wellness whi...

10 Easy Ways to Get Free or Discounted Food

Whether they admit it or not, nearly everyone loves to eat. When food can be acquired for free, eating it feels all the better, particularly when money is tight and you're trying to live on a budget. Here are ten ways that peopl...

Here is What You Need to Do to Protect Yourself From the Coronavirus

Although the COVID-19 outbreak is starting to show signs that it may be reaching its peak in many parts of the world, the battle is far from over. The majority of the country is still under mandated lockdo...

Another COVID-19 Surge Coming Soon? Here is How You Can Prepare

After a rough summer, it appears that COVID-19 cases in the US are starting to level off and turn downward. However, health experts caution that a second wave of the virus is nearly imminent. With many schools ...